Into the VOID Report With Casey Rosenthal and Courtney Nash

Posted on Thursday, Apr 13, 2023
Courtney Nash and Casey Rosenthal from Verica join Matty for a deep dive into the results of the VOID (Verica Open Incident Database) report.

Show Notes

  • VOID
  • The Verica Open Incident Database (VOID) makes public software-related incident reports available to everyone, increasing understanding of software-based failures in order to make the internet a more resilient and safe place. After scrutinizing nearly 10,000 incidents, one thing is crystal clear: Resilience saves time. Taking the time to understand how to better respond when something green turns red—learning from the people, the processes, and the systems—will make your next incident smoother.
  • 2022 VOID Report
  • “Taylorism is a corporate disease that we haven’t developed a vaccine for yet” - Courtney


Casey Rosenthal

Casey Rosenthal (he/him)

Casey Rosenthal is CEO and Founder of Verica; formerly the Engineering Manager of the Chaos Engineering Team and others at Netflix. He wrote the definition of Chaos Engineering, started the conferences, wrote the canonical book on the subject, etc. He has experience with distributed systems, artificial intelligence, translating novel algorithms and academia into working models, and selling a vision of the possible to clients and colleagues alike. His super-power is transforming misaligned teams into high performance teams, and his personal mission is to help people see that something different, something better, is possible. For fun, he models human behavior using personality profiles in Ruby, Erlang, Elixir, and Prolog.

Courtney Nash

Courtney Nash (She/her)

Courtney Nash is a researcher focused on system safety and failures in complex sociotechnical systems. An erstwhile cognitive neuroscientist, she has always been fascinated by how people learn, and the ways memory influences how they solve problems. Over the past two decades, she’s held a variety of editorial, program management, research, and management roles at Holloway, Fastly, O’Reilly Media, Microsoft, and Amazon. She lives in the mountains where she skis, rides bikes, and herds dogs and kids.


Matt Stratton

Matt Stratton (he/him)

Matty Stratton is the Director of Developer Relations at Aiven, a well-known member of the DevOps community, and a global organizer of the DevOpsDays set of conferences.

Matty has over 20 years of experience in IT operations and is a sought-after speaker internationally, presenting at Agile, DevOps, and cloud engineering focused events worldwide. Demonstrating his keen insight into the changing landscape of technology, he recently changed his license plate from DEVOPS to KUBECTL.

He lives in Chicago and has three awesome kids, whom he loves just a little bit more than he loves Diet Coke.
